Your Gateway to Success
Your Gateway to Success
The unique Proactive Training Solutions method uses strategies for learning and self-growth as the foundation for all courses and programs. This approach creates an opportunity to prepare our participants for a new adventure or for the next step in their career. Look through our current course offerings below to learn more.
The Occupational First Aid (OFA) Transportation Endorsement Course (TE) course is a 7 hour course. The TE course may be required under the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for workplace first aid. this course will cover such topics as:
Roles and Responsibilities
Priority Action Approach
Transportation of an Injured Worker
Cost is $125 per person
(used to be OFA 1)
The Basic First Aid course (BFA - used to be OFA 1) is 7 hours of in-class training. The BFA course is the first of 3 levels that may be required under the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for workplace first aid. this course will cover such topics as:
Roles and Responsibilities
Priority Action Approach
Adult Resuscitation
Medical Emergencies
Severe Bleeds
Minor Wound
Cost is $105 per person
(used to be
OFA 2)
The Intermediate First Aid course (IFA - used to be OFA 2) is 14 hours of in-class training. The IFA course is the second of 3 levels that may be required under the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for workplace first aid. this course will cover such topics as:​
Roles and Responsibilities
Priority Action Approach
Adult Resuscitation
Medical Emergencies
Severe Bleeds
Minor Wounds
Major Wounds
Multiple Patients
Cost is $225 per person
(used to be
OFA 3)
The Advanced First Aid course (AFA - used to be OFA 3) is 70 hours of in-class training. The AFA course is the third of 3 levels that may be required under the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety regulations for workplace first aid. This course will cover such topics as:
Roles and Responsibilities
Priority Action Approach
Adult Resuscitation
Medical Emergencies
Severe Bleeds
Minor Wounds
Major Wounds
Multiple Patients
Transportation of an Injured Worker
Cost is $850 per student
(used to be
OFA 3 Challenge)
The Advanced First Aid (AFA) challenge is 35 hours of in-class training. This is designed for individuals that hold a valid OFA 3/AFA certificate. This challenge will cover such topics as:
Roles and Responsibilities
Priority Action Approach
Adult Resuscitation
Medical Emergencies
Severe Bleeds
Minor Wounds
Major Wounds
Multiple Patients
Transportation of an Injured Worker
Cost is $675 per student
Occupational First Aid certificates can be issued to persons who hold a valid and current EMALB license, or persons who hold a valid first aid certificate acceptable from another provincial regulatory body. For more detail and to confirm if your first aid certificate is acceptable please contact us.
Cost is $50 per person
books if required
Oxygen Therapy Course
The Oxygen course is designed for the OFA Level 2 First Aid Attendant who is working within 20 minutes travel time to a hospital. The class is approximately 4 hours of instruction.
(Note: it is a requirement to have a valid Intermediate First Aid Certificate.)
The Oxygen course covers the following:
Intro to Oxygen Therapy
Requirements for Oxygen
Oxygen Masks
Pulse Oximetry
Oxygen Safety​​
Cost is $ 100 per person
The Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (W.H.M.I.S.) course is designed to provide general information to workers who do work with or may come in contact with controlled products. The class is 4 hours in duration
The W.H.M.I.S. covers the following:
What is W.H.M.I.S.
Classification of hazardous products
Safety Data Sheets (S.D.S.)
Education and training